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Estimating International Migration Flows: Past, Present and Future

June 17 event poster: Estimating International Migration Flows
Thursday, June 17, 2021, 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Data on international migration are far from being sufficient and precise. This negatively impacts the demographic analysis of population change and increases the uncertainty of population estimates and projections. For more than twenty years, the academic community, international organisations and institutes of statistics work continuously on improving data collection and quality of the estimates, and much progress has been made. Where do we stand now? What are the latest advancements in the methodology for migration estimates? How to foster more collaboration on these matters? These questions, and more, will be explored in an online seminar, organized under the umbrella of KNOMAD, the World Bank’s Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development.



  • 14:00 – Welcome notes
  • 14:10 – Introduction Rainer Münz (Central European University) and Thomas Buettner (UN DESA, ret.)
  • 14:30 – Migration estimates and projections in Europe: An overview of advances in the last two decades, and scope for further developments Giampaolo Lanzieri (Eurostat)
  • 14:45 – Virtual Coffee Break
  • 15:00 – How to improve migration estimates and projections? From Mimosa to IMEM and QuantMig Jakub Bijak (University of Southampton)
  • 15:15 – The International Migration Database: estimating migration flows with multiple datasets Emilio Zagheni (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)
  • 15:30 – Panel Debate with all speakers, Bela Hovy (UN DESA), Frans Willekens (NIDI), Marie McAuliffe (IOM), Ellen Percy Kraly (Colgate University), and Diego Iturralde (Statistics South Africa); moderated by Daniela Vono de Vilhena (Population Europe)
  • 16:30 – Closing notes