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Freeing my Voice, Finding my Hidden Songs - workshop with Bea Palya

Friday, June 25, 2021, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm


Songs can change lives, as these are the most powerful forms of communication, simultaneously penetrating both our minds and our souls. During this workshop, we can develop our voice as a singer and as a songwriter, facilitating our personal transformation and tapping into the deep healing potential of singing.

"I will teach:
1. Vocal technique and the joy of singing: breathing, energy, and visualization exercises, the presence of emotions in our singing, learning easy melodies to open and strengthen our voices and build confidence in our singing.
2. The basic building blocks of songwriting: journaling, discussions, playing with sounds, intonation, and tempo, finding easy ways of vocal improvisation, pairing our own words with an already-existing melody etc…

And before you feel intimidated: I say to you tenderly that your presence and your willingness is enough to start with, and there is no such thing as doing it wrong in this workshop!
All participants will create their own songs growing out of their own thoughts and explorations, and in the end of this short process we will celebrate our transformation!"

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