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Doctoral Defense - Sergiu Delcea: Anxieties about modernity: The development of the Romanian welfare state from the late-19th Century to 1938

You are cordially invited to Doctoral Defense - Sergiu Delcea: Anxieties about modernity: The development of the Romanian welfare state from the late-19th Century to 1938
Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

You are cordially invited to the Doctoral Defense of Sergiu Delcea (DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN POLITICAL SCIENCE)

Anxieties about modernity: The development of the Romanian welfare state from the late-19th Century to 1938


Defense Committee:

Thomas Fetzer (supervisor, Central European University)
Julia Szalai (Central European University)
Daniel Béland (external member, McGill University)
Dorottya Szikra (chair, Central European University and Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest)

Date of the Defense: June 29, 2021

The defense takes place online, if you are interested in joining, please email us:

Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
Central European University |