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Borders and Bordering in the EU and Beyond: Gender, Race, Violence, and Resistance

Photo credit: Orsolya Lehotai
Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Borders are highly contested spaces, in which practices of inclusion and exclusion, security and management, free movement and repression, violence and insecurity, selfhood and Otherness overlap and intersect. The external borders of the EU have been particularly contentious in recent times as they are subjected to trends towards increased militarization, externalization, and datafication. Human rights violations, including gender-based violence and illegal pushbacks, are important problems arising from these trends. This roundtable brings together CEU scholars researching the EU’s increasingly violent borders from different critical, feminist, and postcolonial perspectives and gives insights into the different layers of gendered and racialized border regimes: the work of border guards, the institutional logics of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), migrant experiences, and creative everyday practices of subversion and destabilization.



Elissa Helms, Associate Professor, Dept. of Gender Studies

Xymena Kurowska, Associate Professor, Dept. of International Relations 

Julia Sachseder, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of International Relations and Dept. of Gender Studies

Erzsébet Strausz, Asistant Professor, Dept. of International Relations

Chair: Saskia Stachowitsch, Senior Research Fellow, Dept. of International Relations and Dept. of Gender Studies 


Meeting ID: 956 1464 6548
Passcode: 061873

(Photo credit: Orsolya Lehotai, 2017)