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Doctoral Defense - Ewa Mączyńska: "To take the distinction between us and them away": Political subjectivities of horizontal solidarity activists in Denmark, Hungary, and Sweden

invitation poster
Monday, September 20, 2021, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

You are cordially invited to the Doctoral Defense of Ewa Mączyńska (Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science)

"To take the distinction between us and them away": Political subjectivities of horizontal solidarity activists in Denmark, Hungary, and Sweden

Defense Committee:

Xymena Kurowska (supervisor, Central European University)
Prem Kumar Rajaram (Central European University)
Sara de Jong (external member, University of York)
Michael Merlingen (chair, Central European University)


Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations
Central European University |