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CEU Short Film Showcase

Film Screening
CEU Short Film Showcase 2021 Fall
Thursday, October 14, 2021, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

The Visual Studies Platform (VSP) and the CEU Library cordially invite you to a screening of exceptional short films produced by CEU students. These come from courses that are part of the Advanced Certificate in Visual Theory and Practice (VTP) and are facilitated by the resources and support of the CEU Library’s Media Hub.

The program highlights how students from a number of different departments are communicating knowledge and exploring themes of their chosen disciplines through the visual medium of film. It also serves as a chronicle of sorts of the turbulent events of recent years, as witnessed and interpreted by our students. It will be followed by a Q&A with some of the filmmakers, who will attend via Zoom.

This annual showcase is the first in a series of events hosted by the Visual Studies Platform throughout the year, which include screenings, workshops, and guest presentations that engage with the exhibition, analysis, and discussion of visual and aural media. After a year and a half of online-only screenings, this will be the first on-site at our new Vienna campus and will simultaneously be available for an online audience as well.

Due to capacity regulations, the on-site screening is open only to members of the CEU community. In accordance with Covid regulations, guests attending on-site must register in advance for the screening by Wednesday, October 13th at the following link.

Please note that proof of vaccination is required to enter CEU premises, and wearing a mask is obligatory in all common areas. Read more about CEU’s Covid-protocol here.

For the online audience: Zoom Meeting ID: 926 4100 3934 I Passcode: 558402.


Sena Uslu and Johana Cernochova
Course: Fundamentals of Documentary Filmmaking, Fall Term 2020
The documentary raises awareness against racism against Turkish origin people living in Austria.

Tamar Giorgobiani
Course: Documentary for Social Change, Winter Term 2021
People with disabilities in Georgia do not have many opportunities to feel like proper members of society, especially if it comes to the regions outside of the capital city, Tbilisi, and especially if these people are adults. The video was made as a part of the fundraising campaign #AhouseForTheirFuture of the Parents' Organization for the People with Disabilities in the Sighnaghi region (Eastern Georgia) to buy a house that will serve both as a day-center and as a social enterprise for adults with disabilities.

Derek Basler
Course: Visual Anthropology and Ethnographic Filmmaking, Winter Term 2021
This piece explores the concept of home; the objects and images by which we recognize it, the sensory experiences so integral to it that often go overlooked, the memories which inhabit it. I center this examination of home around that of my grandparents, as it is a space that, despite the itinerancy of my life, has been one of constancy. In the darkest moment of my childhood, this became another home. And, once the pandemic uprooted my life, it was where I returned when I needed somewhere to go. This time returning corresponded to the period just before the house was sold. With this in mind, the film also partially serves as a eulogy to this space, cognizant that it will pass on to another, with their images and memories soon occupying the space.

Stefan Voicu
Course: Visual Anthropology and Ethnographic Filmmaking, Winter Term 2020
This short video shows the social media reactions regarding the Romanian diaspora traveling home during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Salome Kobalava
Course: Visual Anthropology and Ethnographic Filmmaking, Winter Term 2020
A story brought to life during the 2020 global pandemic lockdown which disrupted our daily lives and more.

Ifra Asad and Makenzie Nelson
Course: Fundamentals of Documentary Filmmaking, Fall Term 2018
With CEU under threat, students take a stand.