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Cultural heritage for a better future - Roundtable with CHS Alumni

Cultural heritage for a better future
Thursday, November 18, 2021, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Cultural heritage for a better future - Roundtable with CHS Alumni 

The participants of the roundtable will address questions about the relevance of cultural heritage in addressing the big global challenges of the 2020s, while discussing these challenges in the context of their own work. 

Speakers: Alumni of CEU's Cultural Heritage Studies Program 

Catinca Manaila graduated the Cultural Heritage Studies Program in summer 2021 with a thesis on neighbourhood revitalisation through conceptualising heritage as a vector for policy. After graduation, she returned to her home country of Romania to work in the non-governmental sector, collaborating on cultural projects and events. She is currently doing research and social media communication for two culture and education-focused NGOs, one working on the urban heritage of Bucharest and public memory, and the other on raising awareness of architectural monuments in ruin all over the country. 

Gergő Paukovics is a Hungarian cultural manager, who is currently working as project manager for Pro Progressione, a Budapest based cultural hub and NGO. With a background in archaeology, history, and cultural heritage management, he has several years of experience in the field of cultural heritage. He graduated in 2015 at CEU, and started working at the National Archives of Hungary, where he was deputy head of department and cultural manager for several years. He gained experience with curation, digital collections, online exhibitions, and visitor research. Currently he is focusing on international cultural heritage interpretation projects such as and ECHO II.













Samten Yeshi is currently involved as a consulting curator for the Department of Culture, Royal Government of Bhutan working with the project to restore and reuse Wangduechoeling Palace in Bhutan. The project aims to establish the palace into a history, art and culture museum. Besides, he also runs a not-for-profit local civil society organization which aims to promote and preserve the spiritual and cultural heritage of Bhutan. Samten earned his MA in culture heritage studies from CEU in 2019.