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Privacy Goes Public: Airbnb, Home Restaurant and the Reconfiguring of Public and Private in the Sharing Economy

Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Why would people invite strangers to sleep and eat in their home, when the home has long been considered a privileged and protected space of privacy meant to be separated from the realm of the public? Privacy Goes Public is a critical study of two key phenomena in the so-called “sharing economy,” airbnb accommodations and home restaurants. They instantiate an often overlooked aspect of sharing, and represent a theoretically relevant reconfiguration of the relationship between public and private in contemporary capitalism. The talk focuses primarily on the cultural political economy of what seems to be an unprecedented commodification of everyday life: especially how that relates to the changing perception, use, and shifting boundaries of public and private space, the presentation of the self, and the search for authenticity.

Note for external guests: this is an ONLINE event; to get the ZOOM link, please, RSVP to Dr. Andrey Demidov at