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Doctoral Defense - Nemanja Batrićević: Ethnicity and Electoral Politics: The Role of Contextual Factors in Voting and Citizen-Party Linkage

Doctoral Defense - Nemanja Batrićević: Ethnicity and Electoral Politics: The Role of Contextual Factors in Voting and Citizen-Party Linkage
Monday, December 20, 2021, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

You are cordially invited to the Doctoral Defense of Nemanja Batrićević (Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science).

Ethnicity and Electoral Politics: The Role of Contextual Factors in Voting and Citizen-Party Linkage


Defense Committee: 

Levente Littvay (Central European University) 
Erin Jenne (Central European University)
Istvan Gergo Szekely (external member, Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities)
Zsolt Enyedi (chair, Central European University)


If you'd like to join online, send us an email to

Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations