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Arctic Oil & Gas and Climate Change: Legal and Political Perspectives

Arctic Oil & Gas and Climate Change
Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

With climate change-induced thawing opening up new opportunities and threats in the Arctic, the region has come into the spotlight in recent years. As the region's vast resources have started emerging from permafrost, Arctic and near-Arctic states have been gearing up to take advantage of the opportunities. So, how can states balance between their energy interests in the Arctic and climate change? And how do politics and sanctions play into those developments?

Join us on January 25th at 16:00 (CET) for an Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG) roundtable to learn more about these questions and other aspects of Arctic energy development with professors Natalie Dobson and Arild Moe. The event is moderated by prof. Michael LaBelle and includes presentations from speakers and questions from the audience. We hope you will join us for a fruitful discussion.

About the speakers:

Natalie Dobson is an Assistant Professor at the Utrecht University School of Law. Her research focuses on issues of legal regime interaction and climate change under public international law.

Arild Moe is a Research Professor at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute. His research focuses on Russia's energy sector and energy politics and he is currently engaged in a project on consequences of climate change for economic development in Russia’s Arctic.


The Arctic Circle holds an estimated 13 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and a whopping 30 percent of its undiscovered natural gas. Despite IEA calls to halt all new fossil fuel development and drilling starting in 2021 to achieve net-zero by 2050, the U.S., Russia, Canada and Norway are all planning to significantly increase their fossil fuel output through 2030 - drawing on some of their Arctic resources to do so and undermining their commitments under the Paris Agreement.


Though the conversation will take place via Zoom, room D105 is reserved for those who would like to join us on campus at Quellenstrasse.

Join the online event here
Meeting ID: 929 8273 5623
Passcode: 980309

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