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Expert Insights Vol.3: Building Resilience Through Positive Intelligence

Expert Insights
Thursday, February 17, 2022, 5:00 pm – 6:15 pm

Building Resilience Through Positive Intelligence  - How to stop self-sabotaging 

Do you ever feel like you are sabotaging yourself but don't know how or why? We all self-sabotage, and it can be so automatic that we don’t even realize it. When this destructive thinking continues, it causes us to struggle and draws us further into negativity and self-defeat.  

Shirzad Chamine, executive coach and author of Positive Intelligence (2012), identifies 10 voices in our heads (saboteurs) that generate negative emotions and negatively influence the way we deal with life's challenges. These saboteurs represent the patterns in the way we think, feel and behave. They promote stress, anxiety, frustration, unhappiness, and self-doubt and have a huge impact on our well-being.  Different people are affected by different types of saboteurs. The good news is that saboteurs are not fixed for life. They can be changed and weakened by boosting the positive muscles in our minds.  

Learn how to silence your inner saboteurs with positive thinking. In this workshop we will explore different tools and exercises you can do daily to strengthen your resilience and re-train your brains to strengthen positive thinking once again.  

Speaker profile: 

Lydia is a leadership coach, certified resilience trainer, and consultant with over 20 years of experience across sectors. As the Director of the OSUN ExEd Hub, she partners with the leadership and management of nonprofit organizations to help them advance toward their own definitions of professional and organizational success more deeply, quickly, and sustainably than they can on their own.  

Lydia empowers her clients by tapping into their unique capabilities and together exploring the possibilities.  She helps leaders at all levels shape their personal and professional lives, and their impact as leaders through greater self-awareness and the power of choice. She builds coaching partnerships that clarify priorities, reframe challenges, and expand each leader’s repertoire of capabilities, beliefs, and behaviors.  

“Lydia has such a special empathetic and humorous approach. She helped me think through my strengths and priorities.  Her style was perfect… the right questions at the right time to help me come up with solutions.”  

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