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Non-Profit Cultural Heritage Leadership. Cultural Heritage Leadership Conversations

Non-Profit Cultural Heritage Leadership
Thursday, February 17, 2022, 3:40 pm – 5:10 pm

About this conversation

Amy Buchan will walk us through the story of Rivers of Steel Heritage Corporation established in 1992 to preserve and interpret the industrial and cultural heritage of the Pittsburgh region through its five historic and 21st-century sites and the eight-county National Heritage Area it manages. As a heritage-led NGO, Rivers of Steel supports economic revitalization, promotes heritage tourism, and preserves local recreational and cultural resources for future generations. We will discuss the organizational structure, funding model and learn about the cultural, educational, and tourist programs hosted by Rivers of Steel. Amy Buchan will share her experience in managing the planning process and eventual fundraising campaign for non-profit heritage-led organizations.

Event details

This online conversation will consist of a 15-minute presentation by Amy Buchan, followed by a 50-minute Q&A facilitated by Samah Ibrahim and Klaudia Veizaj, CEU MA students. After that, the participants are invited to join a 20-minutes open discussion.

Details of the event.