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Expert Insights Vol.4: Her Seat at the Table: What got you here, won’t get you there

Expert Insights
Thursday, March 3, 2022, 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm

Her Seat at the Table: What got you here, won’t get you there 

Many professionals get stuck at a certain level of success. For instance, they manage to climb to a middle-management position at their organization, but always get passed over for promotion to the executive level. Research shows that when a professional’s career stalls in this way, it’s usually because they’ve slipped into bad behavioral habits. In other words, you’ve started to treat your colleagues poorly and you might not be aware of that. You are cancelling yourself out. 

For instance, you may become so self-important that you refuse to listen to anyone else’s ideas. Or you might be seen as the overly critical in the team. Or you might be trying to please everyone around you. Or you might be constantly in overdrive and might be losing people on the way. Either way, while engaging in these behaviors may have been beneficial in the past and has helped you to get “here”—to your current level of success—they won’t get you “there”—to the heights of success that you ultimately aspire to. There is a different type of leadership needed.  

In this webinar we will:  

  • uncover where do these ‘bad behaviors’ come from and how to change them 
  • we will also touch upon the difference between the most effective leaders and the least effective ones  
  • see how the overuse of your most important strengths may become your biggest weakness when it comes to climbing the corporate ladder 

About Joy Medos 

Joy Medos is an established and sought-after International Executive Coach and Facilitator. She is an explorer at heart and leadership is her passion. 

Joy combines more than 18 years of international and corporate experience in the oil & gas as well as the fashion industry, where she held different board positions. Over the years, she has gained and built-up valuable expertise in managing multi-cultural and complex teams, projects, and organizations. No surprise that many top executives choose her as their sparring partner. Having held high-level executive positions herself, she brings extensive expertise coupled with long-standing experience and deep understanding of the challenges today’s executives face in an international context. 

She believes that successful leaders are men and women who know who they are and what they stand for, and who truly inspire people to achieve extraordinary results. Her credo is: Lead with authenticity, courage and from the heart! The capability of blending emotions with hard business facts, challenge with empathy and humour, makes her a perfect sparring partner.  

Originally from Slovenia, she is no stranger to the challenges of living and working as an expat, having lived in different countries around Europe and travelled the world extensively. Joy is fluent in 8 languages. 

Currently Joy serves also as President of PWN Vienna, a non-for profit and volunteer led organization.