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PERG-MIRG Joint lecture by Maurice Crul: Integration Into Diversity Theory: How do people without migration background integrate into superdiverse city contexts?

prof. dr. Maurice Crul, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Join PERG and MiRG in their upcoming joint lecture with Professor Maurice Crul (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).


ABSTRACT / In the field of Migration and Ethnic Studies, there is wide acknowledgment of integration processes being a two-way process. However, little research has been done into this topic. In this lecture I will address this blind spot based on empirical findings of the ERC Advanced Grant Project BaM (Becoming a Minority). Two major shifts for the field of migration and ethnic studies will be proposed. Firstly, a shift in focus from studying integration into society or the mainstream towards studying integration into the superdiverse reality of large North and Central West European cities like Vienna. Secondly, a shift of focus from studying migrants and their children to looking at the attitudes and practices of people without migration background. People without migration background have always been considered the passive norm group to which other groups had to adapt. But how did they adapt to rapidly changing city environment? Do they become part of this new reality and adapt or do they reject it and self-segregate? We developed the Integration into Diversity Theory to study the outcomes for this group based on their attitudes towards diversity and their practices (interethnic interactions). Based on the Integration into Diversity Matrix we distinguish four groups and show their impact on the societal climate and the potential possibilities for people with migration background in these cities to be socially mobile. The four groups and their impact on society vary between the six cities we have studied. Vienna is one of the six cities, and I will show some of the empirical data that positions Vienna compared to the other five cities.

BIO / Maurice Crul is a Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His chair covers a broad range of topics on education and diversity. In the last 25 years he mostly worked on the topic of education and children of immigrants, first within the Dutch context and in the last 15 years in a comparative European and transatlantic context. He coordinated the International TIES project (The Integration of the European Second generation). The findings revealed that a sizeable group of second generation youth is either following a higher education study or already has a diploma of higher education. This finding was the starting point of a new international project: ‘ELITES: Pathways to Success’. In 2017 Maurice Crul was awarded the ERC advanced grant for the project Becoming a Minority (BaM) on the integration of people without migration background in ethnically diverse cities in Europe. The project is executed in the harbor cities Rotterdam, Antwerp and Malmö and the service sector cities Amsterdam, Hamburg and Vienna. For more on Crul’s project and publications: Maurice Crul — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (