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Sufficiency, Uncertainty and Future Generations

Politics of uncertainties Annual doctoral conference 6-8 april
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Join us in the first of five keynotes we'll host at the 17th Annual Doctoral Conference: Politics of Uncertainties.

After a full-online 16th edition of the ADC, this year we return onsite, at our Vienna campus in Quellenstraße 51! Still, we decided to guarantee the hybrid mode for the whole conference, so that presenters, discussants, as well as the audience, can join via Zoom. Register here by April 4 to attend.

This year the conference will take place between 6-8 April in a hybrid format, consisting of 22 panels and hosting 5 keynote speeches. Our panels are organised around a wide array of research areas: authoritarianism; conflict and cooperation; deliberative democracy; democratisation; global governance; heterodox approaches in IR and policy studies; higher education policy; media and digitalisation; memory politics; peace and security studies; political discourse and political behaviour; political economy; political theory; postcolonial theories; research methods; refugees and migration.   

See the full conference programme here.

Bio / Paula Casal is an ICREA Professor at the Law Department of Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She works on how social institutions should distribute resources. This requires assessing the general principles (such as equality, priority, and sufficiency) governing distributive decisions as well as more specific policies designed to promote social or global justice.