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Careers in Research

Panel Discussion
Careers in Research 2022
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Research is a broad field encompassing careers in various sectors, from education to business, from demographic data to consumer behaviors, from political research to financial analysis. Whether it is their primary work function or they only apply research tools in their role, a large number of CEU graduates make an impact as researchers in various sectors. 

Join CEU alumni panelists as they talk about their career in research and what it's like to apply for research jobs with a CEU degree. 

During this event, you will learn about:

  • A range of career paths in research 
  • How alumni practitioners have established and built a career focused on research
  • How to leverage knowledge and skills you gain through your studies in social sciences and humanities
  • Aspects that can make this both a rewarding and challenging career path



Kinga Marczell (ECBS’19) graduated with a doctoral degree in Economics from CEU, following an MA in the same field from Corvinus University in Budapest. Prior to the doctoral research stage, Kinga acquired important research experience in the government sector, her work playing an instrumental role in the design and formulation of Hungary’s fiscal system or in preparing background material for the Government Accounting Standards Board. While at CEU, Kinga’s doctoral research focused on the intersection of microeconometrics, health economics and labor economics. The cooperation with the current employer started before the PhD graduation, when Kinga joined the Budapest office of Evidera – global business dedicated to advancing research and consultation in the life sciences industry -  an progressed up to the current position as Senior Research Associate.


Dursunjemal Halimova (SPP’15), originally from Turkmenistan, has lived and worked in diverse countries and fields. Her interest in policy brought her to the School of Public Policy at CEU. As part of her MA studies, Dursun participated in a yearlong research project in Myanmar consulting the Natural Resource Governance Institute. After finishing her studies at CEU, she was a Visiting Research Fellow at George Washington University in the US where she published a policy brief on positive youth development. She has also worked at CEU coordinating alumni volunteer and Alumni Scholarship Programs. Currently, she works as a Researcher in the area of Education, Research, and Innovation at the Public Policy Management Institute (PPMI). She is also a certified Business Coach passionate about human productivity, wellbeing, entrepreneurship, and business impact. 


Sorin Cebotari (POLS’13) has diverse work experience both in the private sector and academia. Joining Schneider Electric right after his Master's graduation at CEU, Sorin worked as a business consultant there for more than a year.  During his work as Schneider, Sorin applied to and won a Marie Curie Fellowship studying renewable energy projects and their impact on peripheralization. He got his PhD in Geography in 2017 from Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj, Romania) and after 2 years of paternity leave he worked as senior research manager for an Austrian start-up, weTHINK. In 2019 Sorin launched a popular science communication project "" with the aim to popularise scientific arguments regarding climate change in Romania and promote science based coverage of the subject. By now Sorin works full time at InfoClima, coordinating a network of 26 scientist contributors and over 60 journalists, all with the aim of promoting scientific arguments as foundation for public debate regarding climate change.


This event is intended for CEU students and alumni.

This event will be held on campus in Vienna. Please register in advanceYou will have an opportunity to indicate if you are not able to attend in person so that we can send you details for joining remotely.