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HRSI Film Series| Dill of Donbass | Укропи Донбасу

Film Screening
Benefit film screening
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Human RightS Initiative cordially invites you to the documentary screening of “Dill of Donbass | Укропи Донбасу” by Honoured journalist of Ukraine Ruslan Horovy.

Free entrance. Registration Needed.
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The film tells the story of life in eastern Ukraine during the war and occupation. The story is told by a couple from Luhansk region who, due to their loyalty to the state and assistance to the Ukrainian army, spent about three months in the captivity of pro-Russian militants. They not only tell their personal stories, but also share their views on many topical issues. The film conveys the feelings of the characters as much as possible, and one of the means of this is their living language. Thus, the language of the film is Russian with English subtitles.

Dill of Donbass (2015), 47 min

The screening will be followed by a discussion and Q&A, moderated by Natalia Dziadyk a PhD Candidate at the CEU, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations. She was born and raised in Ukraine. Natalia completed her BA and MA studies in Ukraine and interned at a think tank European Dialogue in Lviv. She also interned and worked as a consultant for the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.

We are looking forward to your participation!