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HRSI Film Series | My thoughts are silent (Мої думки тихі | Moi dumky tykhi )

Film Screening
Benefit film screening
Saturday, April 30, 2022, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

HRSI cordially invites you to a Film Series on and for Ukraine. 

Register as limited seating.
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Entry Free, Donations collected. All proceeds from donations will go to CEU Donation Drive that is collecting humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Free entry for people displaced from Ukraine.

My Thoughts are Silent |  Мої думки тихі | Moi dumky tykhi 

Synopsis: “Do Ukrainian cows moo differently from Canadian ones? So, it seems, according to the company that hires young sound designer Vladim to record animal sounds for a video game set in Ukraine. The chirping of an exceedingly rare bird native to the Carpathian region will also be featured in the video game. Determined to find both the necessary fowl and his way to Canada, Vladim will embark on an unpredictable journey together with his eccentric mother, with whom he has a love- hate relationship. Antonio Lukich’s first feature brings many of the issues of the director’s generation to the screen: young people riven by conflict, betrayed by their elders, and yet still full of determination. The brilliant performance by Andriy Lidagovskiy gives body to a character unfit for the world he lives in, a sort of lonely millennial Buster Keaton as funny as he is moving. Shot in a remote, untouched region of Ukraine both miles and years away from the rest of Europe and brilliantly scored by Sam Kužel, MY THOUGHTS ARE SILENT extracts comedy from the drama experienced by many of Lukich’s generation.” - Viennale Film Festival 2019

Director: Antonio Lukich, Ukraine 2019

Language: Ukrainian with English subtitles

Duration: 104 min.

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