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Active bystander training against harassment

Bystander training
Tuesday, May 31, 2022, 11:00 am – 4:30 pm

An unwanted touch on the dance floor, a sexist joke in the classroom, an offensive remark at the cafeteria?
Have you ever witnessed any of these situations and had no idea what to do?

This practical training will teach you different tactics on how to intervene in a similar situation according to your level of comfort and experience.

Participate and become and active helping bystander to prevent and tackle harassment!


The training will run on Tuesday, 31st of May, from 11am to 4:30pm in Quellenstraße 51. It takes place in B421.

We will have many small breaks in between and lunch will be offered as well. 

You can Register Here

Why a Bystander Training?

"Someone else will help them."
"Maybe they are playing around."
"That is none of my concern/business!"
"I don't know what to do."

Those are thoughts that many of us have when we witness harassment. Many bystanders of such situations believe that someone else will speak up and turn the other way. Others are worried about their own safety and decide not to act. Not providing help when observing someone in need of it is called the bystander effect

But we can all be active bystanders. If we intervene it signals to the perpetrator that their behaviour is unacceptable. Bystander intervention can be an effective way of stopping assault and harassment before it happens.

The Bystander Training will teach you how you can recognise when someone is in danger and how you can intervene safely. 

Break the silence!

The training offers a practical approach to help you with what to do when you witness harassment. It will include various real-life exercises that teach you how you can intervene safely in different situations. 

Agenda to be soon available.