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Constituting ‘Europeanness’ in the Unfinished EU Security Project. A feminist postcolonial perspective on EU border security and the CSDP

Thursday, June 2, 2022, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

QS ROOM B421 | RSVP required as the lecture will be followed by a reception in the 4th floor A-B lounge

ZOOM: MEETING ID: 959 4658 2726 | PASSWORD: 136054 |

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought to the fore long-standing debates on whether the EU is a global security actor in its own right and what kind of security actor it can and should be. The war has simultaneously highlighted the manifold ways in which both the dynamics of armed conflict as well as patterns, policies, and practices of migration and border security are gendered and racialized. This talk takes these trajectories as a starting point to investigate the linkages between attempts to build a European security approach and identity, and the gendered and racialized insecurities that the EU aims to tackle, but at the same time (re)produces. Looking at EU Integrated Border Management as well as trends in the Common Security and Defense Policy, the talk examines how gender and race underpin notions of ‘Europeanness’ in the unfinished EU security project in the context of patriarchal gender orders and colonial legacies.