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IPeers Summer Seminar: Recent policy trends in the EU’s digital copyright agenda

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Monday, June 13, 2022, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

What are the most recent policy and legislative trends in EU’s digital agenda? What have been the most recent efforts of EU to foster the digitization and digital accessibility of cultural content? How flexible are the legal landscapes of EU Member States in responding to such current trends?   

In this IPeers seminar, the H2020 project reCreating Europe’s Magali Contardi (Research Fellow, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) and Pelin Turan (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) will reflect on the comprehensive research and analysis conducted by the reCreating Europe Consortium in particular in the context of the CDSM Directive. In their presentation, they will focus particularly on Articles 3-4 (text and data mining) and Article 6 (preservation of cultural heritage) of the Directive. While sharing the interim results of reCreating Europe on the state of the art in the DSM, they will also provide insights into the national transposition strategies of EU Member States - thus, the level of harmonization (or, fragmentation) in research and cultural preservation sectors across Europe.  


This seminar will be held hybrid. 

To join via Zoom:  

 Meeting ID: 989 4436 6086 

Passcode: 437782 

To join in person: Room QS C-322 


About the speakers 

Magali Contardi 

Magali Contardi is a research fellow in Comparative Private Law at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa (Italy), and PhD Candidate at the University of Alicante (Spain). She is also an Italian qualified lawyer practising in the field of intellectual property law.  

She holds law degrees from the University of Florence, Italy and the Catholic University of Argentina, an LLM in Intellectual Property law from the University of Alicante (Spain) and postgraduate degrees in Artificial Intelligence & IP from the University of Strasbourg (France), and in Business law (GEMP) from the University of Pisa (Italy). She also completed a CopyrightX Course (University of Harvard in affiliation with the University of Turin) and a German Law Course (Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München). She has been visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Law (Germany, 2018-2019).  

Her current research interest lies in the interplay between new technologies and IP, including patentability of AI-generated inventions and copyright in AI creativity, robotics and IP, amongst other areas. 


Pelin Turan 

Pelin Turan is a postdoctoral research fellow at Scuola Superiora Sant’Anna (Italy), Institute of Law, Politics and Development (DIRPOLIS) and Lider-Lab. She is also a qualified attorney at law enrolled at the Izmir Bar Association (Izmir, Turkey) since 2012 and certified a trademark and patent attorney since 2014. 

Pelin holds a PhD in International Business Law from Central European University (CEU) for her doctoral dissertation, entitled ‘Gazing at Intellectual Property Law through the Lens of Critical Race Theory: The Interplay of Race, Power, and Intellectual Property Law’. She conducted part of her doctoral research as a visiting scholar at Columbia Law School (US). She holds an LL.M in Intellectual Property Law from the University of Edinburgh (UK), and her master’s studies in the UK were funded by the Chevening Scholarship. 

Pelin’s academic research is centered around social justice issues within the (international) intellectual property law domain. She focuses mainly on the interaction of intellectual property rights with human rights, often by adopting critical approaches to intellectual property law, particularly to copyright. 


About the Project 

ReCreating Europe aims at eliminating the barriers to the access to, use and generation of cultural and creative content in the Digital Single Market (DSM), by offering a ground-breaking and comprehensive analysis of the understanding and management of IP in the DSM. The project articulates its research around four main groups of activities and goals: mapping, measuring, assessing technologies, and shaping the future of digital copyright and digital culture and creativity. To achieve this end, it brings researchers, libraries, copyright experts, policymakers, and other stakeholders together in order to clarify what is needed for a regulatory framework which supports culturally-diverse production, inclusive access, and consumption. The project is led and coordinated by Prof. Caterina Sganga  (Associate Professor at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Team Coordinator of reCreating Europe; Former Associate Professor at Central Europe University). For more information on the reCreating Europe, visit the official website of the project.