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Workshop of the students of Advanced Certificate in Romani Studies

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Thursday, June 23, 2022, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm

End-of-term workshop of the Advanced Certificate in Romani Studies

23 June 2022

CEU Budapest, Nador utca 15, room N13/301

14.30-14.35 Welcome by Angéla Kóczé, Assistant Professor, Chair of Romani Studies Program

14.35-15.15 Presenting the research of advanced certificate students

  • Alba Hernandez Sanchez (Gender Studies) An empirical analysis of European Roma framework through an intersectional and gender lens
  • Maria Atanasova (Political Science): Minority interest groups influence on policymaking in the United States: The case of Roma
  • Lavinia Laluna Lucie Seidel (Nationalism Studies): Connection of nationalism and anti-Roma racism and what role this had played in the establishment of nations, national culture

15-15.15.30 Break

15.30-16.30 Presenting the research of advanced certificate students (continued)

  • Gopalas Michailovskis (Cultural Heritage Program): A Demolished Romani Settlement in Lithuania as a Heritage Site and Source of Sustainable Social Change
  • Tayla Myree (Comparative History): Fighting to Remember: The Struggle for Holocaust Remembrance by the Romani Community. The German and Czech Case
  • Mihaela Lisia Pamfilie (Sociology and Social Anthropology): Poverty and social policy. Guaranteed Minimum Income among a Roma community in Romania
  • Blanka Szilasi (Nationalism Studies) : Representation of Roma by pro-Roma NGOs in Hungary

More information about the Advanced Certificate in Romani Studies: