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Free Ahmed Samir

ahmed poster
Monday, June 27, 2022, 10:00 am – Monday, July 4, 2022, 12:00 am

Our friend and colleague Ahmed Samir has unjustly spent almost one and a half years in prison. Even though his previous 4-year prison sentence was quashed, he was still not granted freedom. After several frustrating postponements, his retrial verdict is scheduled to be announced on July 4th. Ahmed's unjust imprisonment cannot be undone, his many days spent in prison cannot be given back, but we demand that on July 4th the court finally delivers the only acceptable verdict: his release. 

But this day is important for another reason: July 4th is Ahmed's birthday. The greatest gift would be his freedom, but until then we can all give him something small but meaningful. Words of encouragement, hope and strength. Join us in demanding his freedom and wishing him happy birthday. Enough of the waiting, enough of his suffering. We want justice now. Ahmed must be free.

Use the link here to write messages of solidarity, words of encouragement and hope for a Birthday celebrated with  Freedom!

Ahmed Samir is a student and researcher at Central European University in Vienna. He was arrested on February 1st, 2021 after going back to Cairo for holidays. He was then sentenced for spreading false news about the internal situation in Egypt from outside the country. It has become clear that Ahmed is being targeted as direct result of his research - and exercise of free speech - on women's reproductive rights in Egypt.

For more information on the global campaign, please visit the #FreeAhmedSamir campaign on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.