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The transformation of higher education and open society in the local/global nexus: experiences and perspectives

Photo by Drahomír Posteby-Mach, Unsplash
Tuesday, July 5, 2022, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

In recent decades, the transformation of higher education has been shaped by internationalization and globalization whose current form is closely interlinked with the neoliberal project. This conjuncture has been informing the reforms of higher education in the post-Cold War period across the globe. The specific articulations span from the transformations of education systems in the West to top-down reforms implemented in developing and post-socialist countries (with the involvement of international actors) to the heightened global competition with the emergence of new education centers in the Global South. Distinctive local arrangements further expose the commonality of the challenges facing higher education in performing its unique societal functions and addressing multiple dimensions of inequalities (including entrenched knowledge hierarchies). The workshop will explore how we can better understand this transformation and envisage future perspectives by revisiting the concept of open society.

The workshop will critically reflect on how the idea of open society has been implicated in different reform projects and initiatives in education, their outcomes, and emerging contradictions. It will also inquire into the potential of the concept of open society to serve as a means of reflection on the existing practices of reform and governance in higher education. Furthermore, the workshop will explore how we can develop a more positive vision of globalization as a more equitable and inclusive project and discuss the role of internationalizing higher education and universities in it. It will also ask whether the idea of “open society” can be pertinent to the formulation of such a vision.


The workshop will take place online. To join the audience of the workshop please fill in the form and you will receive a zoom link automatically. If you do not receive an email with the link, please contact us directly.