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Getting Started with Moodle for Teaching

laptop with e-learning
Thursday, September 8, 2022, 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

This workshop is designed to help teaching assistants (TAs), as well as faculty and staff, learn the basics of Moodle (CEULearning). It provides a solid foundation for supplementing on-campus courses with online content and is also a good starting place for developing online and hybrid courses. Workshop location: Hybrid (QS D-317, online) 

By the end of this one-hour introductory session, participants can expect to be able to: 

  • Edit the basic features of their Moodle course 

  • Upload files, such as readings, videos, and other course materials 

  • Add activities, including discussion forums, assignments, and third-party integrations 

  • Check that content is published and visible 

To register, please complete this short registration form. Please note, the workshop will only run if a minimum number of participants (min. 5) is registered before the session. 

For Moodle support, contact Gabor Acs at To set up an individual consultation, or with questions, fill out the registration form or contact the Elkana Center at