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Doctoral Defense - Emil Vargović: Between Ideal Theory and Practice: Justice as Fairness, Productive Ownership Rights and Wider Economic Liberties

Emil Vargović: Between Ideal Theory and Practice: Justice as Fairness, Productive Ownership Rights and Wider Economic Liberties
Monday, September 12, 2022, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

You are cordially invited to the Doctoral Defense of Emil Vargović (Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science).

Between Ideal Theory and Practice: Justice as Fairness, Productive Ownership Rights and Wider Economic Liberties

Defense Committee:

Zoltan Miklosi (supervisor, Central European University) 

Janos Kis (Central European University) 

Andrew Williams (external member, University Pompeu-Fabra)

Andres Moles (chair, Central European University)


The defense will be also available online, send an email to if you'd like to participate.

Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations