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Is sex passé?

Alenka Zupančič
Monday, September 19, 2022, 5:40 pm – 7:20 pm

The lecture will address some of the issues surrounding the way we discuss – or not – sex and sexuality today. A lot is going on in this domain. Can psychoanalysis bring anything of interest into these debates, or are we dealing with completely new issues that need to be addressed in other ways? What are the political stakes of contemporary debates surrounding sexuality? 

Alenka Zupančič is a Slovene philosopher and social theorist, one of the prominent members of the "Ljubljana school of psychoanalysis". She works as Research Councilor at the Institute of Philosophy, Scientific Research Center of the Slovene Academy of Sciences. She is also professor at the European Graduate School in Switzerland, and is invited as guest lecturer to numerous universities worldwide. Notable for her work on the intersection of philosophy and psychoanalysis, she is the author of numerous articles and many books, including Ethics of the Real: Kant and Lacan; The Shortest Shadow: Nietzsche's Philosophy of the Two; Why Psychoanalysis: Three Interventions; The Odd One In: On Comedy; What is Sex? and, forthcoming, Let Them Rot: Antigone’s Parallax.