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Doctoral Defense: Radu Mustață

MS Thrissur Syriac 17, a nineteenth century copy of the Malabar Sermonary, preserved in the library of the Metropolitan Palace of the Church of the East, from Thrissur, Kerala.  Courtesy of Istvan Perczel and the SRITE Project.
Thursday, October 13, 2022, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

The Public Defense of the Doctoral Dissertation of Radu Mustață on

The Malabar Sermonary: The Syriac Legacy of Francisco Ros SJ (1559-1624) in South India

The doctoral defense will take place online.

Examination Committee

Chair: Matthias Riedl, CEU, Department of History


István Perczel, CEU, Department of Medieval Studies (supervisor)

Volker Menze, CEU, Department of Medieval Studies (supervisor)

Carsten Wilke, CEU, Department of Medieval Studies

External Readers and external members: 

Ines G. Županov, Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud, EHESS, Paris

David G. K. Taylor, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford


The doctoral dissertation is available for inspection on the CEU e-learning site. Should you wish to access  the dissertation or get the zoom link for the public defense contact Csilla Dobos (
