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Introduction to R

Poster for introduction to r statistical programming language
Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

PERG is organizing an online workshop for those of you who would like to start using R or just have a refresher-session.

Zoom link available in the page of the event on Facebook: Introduction to R (Statistical Programming Language) | Facebook

This workshop will introduce the basics of R statistical programming language, using R studio. Several key topics will be covered, including how to deal with different types of data structures in R and how to employ some basic statistical techniques. The workshop will have a duration of 90 minutes. Depending on the time constraints, some of the typical techniques social scientist use in statistics, such as linear regression, will be briefly illustrated. The R scripts will be shared with the participants after the workshop. The participants are recommended to download R and R studio prior to the workshop.

Bio / Mehmet Yavuz is a PhD candidate at DSPS. He works on the role of ideology in authoritarian regimes in his dissertation, where he is trying to understand whether authoritarian regimes' use of ideological claims as a communication tool makes them more stable and popular. His dissertation research employs several techniques, such as expert surveys, text-as-data approaches, and econometric tools. His broader research interests include authoritarian regimes, autocratization, quantitative methods in political science, and causal inference in observational studies. He is the co-recipient of the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award of the Department of Political Science (2022).