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Student-Centered Learning Workshop, Part II, an OSUN collaboration with Bard IWT/CLASP

Monday, November 7, 2022, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

The workshops are organized by the Yehuda Elkana Center for Teaching, Learning, and Higher Education Research and the OSUN Developing Teaching Professionals project, in collaboration with Bard IWT/CLASP

Part 1: Monday, Oct. 3 8:00-11:00 AM (NY) / 2:00-5:00 PM (Vienna)
Part 2: Monday, Nov. 7 8:00-11:00 AM (NY) / 2:00-5:00 PM (Vienna)

Register now!

This series of two workshops offers a philosophical, yet practical deep dive into how educators can transform their approach to content delivery by shifting to a student-centered model of liberal arts and sciences pedagogy.

During the first of the two workshops, participants will learn the hows and whys of liberal arts and sciences styles of student-centered learning and will come away with concrete tools they can use to make their classroom spaces where students feel empowered to think critically and more actively examine the world around them. The second workshop will provide participants with a discussion of the philosophical underpinnings of liberal arts and sciences, student-centered learning practices, and a chance to experiment with said practices as they relate to their own course designs and objectives with other faculty from across the OSUN network. Participation in both workshops is recommended, and participants must attend Part 1 on October 3 to attend the follow up workshop on Nov 7.

Registration is open to doctoral students, faculty members, and staff at OSUN institutions.

The workshops are sponsored by the Yehuda Elkana Center for Teaching, Learning, and Higher Education Research and the OSUN Developing Teaching Professionals project, of which the Elkana Center is the project lead, in collaboration with Bard College’s Institute for Writing and Thinking (IWT) and its Center for Liberal Arts and Sciences Pedagogies (CLASP) OSUN project.