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Cities of Copper, Silver and Gold. Doing Research on Lower Hungarian Mining Towns.

Mining towns
Wednesday, November 9, 2022, 5:40 pm – 8:00 pm

On Wednesday November 9, join us for a public lecture by Milan Georgievski. He will talk about Lower Hungarian mining towns – or as they were once known Niederungarische Bergstaedte. These were located in the northern part of the Kingdom of Hungary, nowadays Central Slovakia. For five centuries, these towns maintained an alliance, a league of seven member cities protecting their multifaceted mutual interests from interfering central authorities. Remarkably, the heyday of this confederation of towns began during the 16th century, in a period of constant pressure from various levels and types of power. The focus of the lecture is on the three most important mining towns in this area, Kremnitz (Kremnica) of gold, Schemnitz (Banska S tiavnica) of silver and Neusohl (Banska Bystrica) of copper, considering their place in the urban network, their inner urban structure and the possibilities and limits of doing scientific, predominantly historical, research about them and in them.


Milan Georgievski is Slovak historian and author. He studied history with focus on medieval history at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, and Slovak history with focus on the early modern period at the University of Matthias Bel in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. Professionally, he worked as a researcher at the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and is currently a curator at the Slovak National Museum. His main scientific interest lies in the socio-historical research of mining towns, especially those located in then-Lower Hungary, now Central Slovakia. 

*  The research presented in this lecture was enabled by the János M. Bak Fellowship Fund. The Fellowship is a crowdfunded initiative to honor the legacy of János M. Bak, a great teacher and scholar, and one of the founders of the Department of Medieval Studies at CEU. We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of our donors.



The lecture will be hybrid. Non-CEU members who wish to register for in person attendance should email For online attendance, please follow this link: