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What Works in Higher Education Equity Promotion: Innovative Initiatives at the Institutional Level Around the World

Monday, November 21, 2022, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

In the past four years, the US-based Lumina Foundation has sought to learn from good practices to improve equity and inclusion in higher education from around the world. This session is an opportunity to present the results of recent case studies prepared in 7 regions of the world regarding institutional policies. The research team will give an overview of their main findings and discuss implications for policy makers and university leaders. 

To complement and inform its work in support of higher education equity in the United States, the Lumina Foundation has explored international experiences through three studies carried out over the past four years. The first one, All Around the World – Higher education equity policies across the globe, documented the range of equity promotion policies designed and implemented in 71 countries. The second one, Measuring the Impact of Equity Promotion Policies: Lessons from National and Institutional Case Studies, analyzed what worked and did not work in five national settings (Australia, Austria, Colombia, South Africa, and Vietnam). The most recent one, COVID’s Lessons for Global Higher Education: Coping with the Present while Building a More Equitable Future, reviewed the impact of the pandemic on higher education through the equity filter.

The new Lumina study, which will be presented at the upcoming Seminar, seeks to document good practices at the institutional level through a set of case studies drawn from most regions of the world. The case studies analyze innovative initiatives to increase access and success in higher education institutions for traditionally underserved groups, such as low-income students, members of minority groups (Indigenous, Roma, etc.), female students, and students with disabilities. Each case study consists of a summary description of the context and rationale of the innovative policy, a presentation of the measures involved, the identification of linkages with national policies, an assessment of the obstacles encountered  and the mitigation measures taken, an analysis of the impact based on available information, and an assessment of the potential for replication and scaling up. The panelists will share highlights from their findings.


Michael Kozakowski (CEU) 

Courtney Brown (Vice President, Lumina Foundation) 

Jamil Salmi (Global Tertiary Education Expert) 

Nasima Badsha (Johannesburg, South Africa) 

Dora Weber (CEU Alumna/Budapest, Hungary)

Renato Pedrosa (University of Campinas, Brazil) 

Gerry Postiglione (Hong Kong University, Hong Kong) 

Nidhi Sadana Sabharwal (National Institute of Educational Planning, India) 

Andrée Sursock (European University Association, Brussels, Belgium) 

Nadine Zacharias (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)