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Doctoral Defense - Cihan Erdost Akin: Kill Once, Dead Twice: Dead Body Management and Power in Turkey’s Counterinsurgency Against the PKK

Doctoral Defense - Cihan Erdost Akin: Kill Once, Dead Twice: Dead Body Management and Power in Turkey’s Counterinsurgency Against the PKK
Friday, December 2, 2022, 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm

You are cordially invited to the Doctoral Defense of Cihan Erdost Akin (Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science).

Kill Once, Dead Twice: Dead Body Management and Power in Turkey’s Counterinsurgency Against the PKK.

Defense Committee: 

Paul Roe (supervisor, Central European University)
Chris LaRoche (Central European University)
Jessica Auchter (external member, Université Laval)
Michael Merlingen (chair, Central European University)

The defense will be available on Zoom too for participants who can't be in Vienna. If you are interested in joining, please email us: