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Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Welfare states in crisis or for crises? Reconsidering welfare state resilience

Bernhard Ebbinghaus
Friday, January 27, 2023, 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm

The Department of Political Science at Central European University invites you to a Workshop with Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professor

Welfare states in crisis or for crises? Reconsidering welfare state resilience

13:30-18:00 CET / January 27, 2023  

Valentina Ausserladscheider, University of Vienna
Bernhard Kittel, University of Vienna
Dorottya Szikra, Central European University

Anil Duman, Central European University
Carsten Schneider, Central European University 

The event is open to the community but due to technical constraints, only a limited number of participants can join the internal workshop in person. Please register here by Jan 20.

The Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professorship is a cooperation project of University of Vienna, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Central European University (CEU), the International Karl Polanyi Society (IKPS) and the Volkshochschule Wien (VHS Wien) and is supported by the Vienna Chamber of Labour and the City of Vienna. More information: