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Media and Opposition to Russia’s War on Ukraine: Voices of the Russian Diaspora

Speakers: Ksenia Krimer, Kirill Martynov, Ilya Yablokov
Monday, February 20, 2023, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Disclaimer: The previous title of the event did not intend to shift the responsibility of the actions of the Russia’s society to the government, nor did it intend to avoid difficult questions related to collective responsibility and the lack of collective actions among the Russia’s opposition groups, and inside the country. We welcome every voice to gather together for a productive debate on what should be done differently to stop as soon as possible the catastrophic War of Russia on Ukraine.  


This roundtable intends to bring together scholars and activists from Russia to discuss the difficult questions related to collective responsibility of the Russian citizens, the political participation of the newly formed exiled communities, as well as the role of media in forming the opposition to the Russia's War on UkraineParticipants of the event would also discuss why there has been a lack of collective action and mobilization among the Russian society both abroad and inside the country; how can we explain the lack of transnational mobilization among those who left the country, particularly in the age of online communication; and what is the role and duty of those who left in opposing the invasion of Ukraine.