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Vienna Data Science Group Knowledgefeed - February edition

Meet Up
VDSG Knowledgefeed - February edition
Monday, February 20, 2023, 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Happy New Year and welcome to this exciting 2023. In February, VDGS Meetups are back, and we cannot wait to see you on Monday, February 20!

  • Welcoming by the VDSG team and OpenMic - announcements by the community
  • First speak by Hernán Villamizar and Vinzenz Halhammer (Ernst and Young)
  • Second speak by Johannes Hofmanninger (Contextflow)
  • After the talks, as always, comes the favourite part of many: grabbing a snack and getting to know each other!

Using Data Science to reduce injuries in football teams - Hernán Villamizar and Vinzenz Halhammer (Ernst and Young)
This talk explores the world of Sports Analytics and dives into one particular use case for injury prevention. Football at the highest level is one of the most demanding due to the tight weekly calendar of matches and training sessions. Under these circumstances, it is very important to balance the training load of all the players, as injuries not only impact the team's performance but are also quite expensive. We developed a model that takes a variety of factors from training load to medical data into account to support the trainer team in their decisions. Hernán and Vinzent will discuss the main challenges and how valuable such models can be for professional sports in general.

Hernán Villamizar leads the Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Analytics Team at EY Austria. He has a degree in Economics from the University of Vienna and has several years of experience in the conception, development, implementation and management of Data Science based solutions. He consults companies of all sizes and industries, with a focus on the operationalization of fully-fledged solutions for the automatization and optimization of business processes.

Vinzenz Halhammer is Data Scientist at EY Austria. He has a degree in mathematical physics from the University of Vienna.

MLOps, from Data to Product - Johannes Hofmanninger (Contextflow)
This talk will provide a concise overview of the machine learning life-cycle and MLOps in practice. The talk will cover topics such as data management, model development, validation, deployment, post-market surveillance and how they play a role in ensuring the success and reliability of machine learning systems.

Johannes Hofmanninger studied Medical Informatics at the TU Vienna where he discovered his passion for medical image processing and machine learning. After his studies at TU, he moved on to the Medical University of Vienna to complete a PhD at the Computational Imaging Research Lab. In 2020, he joined Contextflow, a Vienna-based company creating AI-powered tools for radiologists where he currently holds the position of ML development lead

Attention attendees with food allergies. Please be aware that the food and drinks provided may contain or come into contact with common allergens, such as dairy, eggs, wheat, soybeans, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish, or wheat.