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Careers in Human Rights

Panel Discussion
An image of a sticker on a street poll displaying the text "Every human has rights"
Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Are you curious about careers in human rights? Professionals in this sector work in many areas including local and state governments, international organizations, non-governmental agencies, charities and foundations, academia, and law. Roles vary; practitioners work in a range of positions including (but not limited to) research, advocacy, investigation, and communication.

During this event you will learn about:

  • A range of career paths
  • How alumni have established and built a career in human rights
  • Trends, changes, and insights into the field
  • Aspects that can make this both an exciting and challenging career path

Martina Bosak (she/her) is currently a Senior Protection Assistant at the UNHCR. Martina has worked in the Government's Office for Gender Equality, private practice, and in internships and consultancies with organizations including the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in the Hague, Netherlands, and the Office of Co-Investigating Judges at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In addition to a Master of Laws in Human Rights from CEU, Martina also holds previous degrees in Law which she obtained through the integrated BA-MA program in Law at the University of Zagreb.

Paula Klik (she/her) is the Membership and Events Senior Officer at ILGA since September 2018, leading the organization of international events (including ILGA World conferences) and development of strategies, tools and processes to support member organizations. Prior to her current position, she worked at ILGA World as the Admin and Membership Officer, as well as an interpreter in the U.K., as a teacher in Colombia, and as a conference intern at ILGA-Europe in Belgium.

Katya McClintock (she/her) lives in Victoria, Canada on the traditional territory of the Lkwungen People, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations.  Katya works for the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon innovation where her work focuses on policies and programs that support the decarbonization of energy systems in Indigenous communities.  Prior to joining the public sector, Katya worked in the private sector and for an electrical utility doing stakeholder engagement and corporate social responsibility.

 Zóra Molnár (she/her) is project manager at Jamba Hungary Foundation, which provides training, career opportunities and other services for people with disabilities. In 2022, she was named an Obama Foundation Leader for her work advocating for persons with disabilities.  She has also worked as a community organizer, focusing on housing and public transportation access for people with disabilities – including an advocacy campaign in 2018 to improve wheelchair accessibility of the busiest metro line in Budapest, among other initiatives.  

This event is intended for CEU students and alumni.

This event will be held on campus in Vienna. Please register in advance. You will have an opportunity to indicate if you are not able to attend in person so that we can send you details for joining remotely.