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Doctoral Defense - Michael C. Zeller: Far-Right Demobilisation: Patterns and processes from demonstration campaigns in Germany, England, and Austria

Doctoral Defense - Michael C. Zeller: Far-Right Demobilisation: Patterns and processes from demonstration campaigns in Germany, England, and Austria
Friday, February 24, 2023, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

You are cordially invited to the Doctoral Defense of Michael C. Zeller (Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science).

Far-Right Demobilisation: Patterns and processes from demonstration campaigns in Germany, England, and Austria

Defense Committee:


András Bozóki (supervisor, CEU) – voting member
Carsten Schneider (CEU) – voting member
Swen Hutter (external member, Freie Universität Berlin and Center for Civil Society Research WZB Berlin Social Science Center) – voting member
Dorit Geva (chair, CEU) – non-voting member