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CIVICA Research: The Role of Energy and Food Demand in Climate Change Mitigation

Karsten Wurth
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

CIVICA Research Project STEADFAST - Sustainable Energy and Food Transitions

Bocconi University, Central European University, European University Institute


Introduction (10 minutes)
○ Valentina Bosetti (Bocconi University)

Session 1 (60 minutes)
○ Presentation of STEADFAST work package on food demand - Silvia
Pianta (European University Institute) Exploring demand-side mitigation:
comparing historical dietary changes and climate mitigation scenarios
○ Presentation by Lukas Fesenfeld (University of Bern /ETH Zurich): The
role of carbon food labels and experience with meat substitutes in
shifting food demand toward planetary health diets
○ Roundtable discussion

Coffee break (20 minutes)

Session 2 (90 minutes)
○ Presentation of STEADFAST Work Package on energy demand -
MartaVetier and Aleh Cherp (Central European University)
○ Gregor Semieniuk (University of Massachusetts Amherst): The demands
on energy of industrialization: a production-side perspective on
generating affluence in developing countries with climate change
○ Benigna Bozza-Kiss (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
(IIASA): Energy demand-side solutions in the urban space
○ Roundtable discussion

About the STEADFAST Project:

Limiting the most adverse environmental and economic impacts of climate change is possible if ambitious policies and clean technologies backed by strong institutions are rapidly introduced around the world. The predominant focus of current research on climate mitigation is on supply-side technical solutions, while behavioral and societal factors affecting demand for energy and natural resources have been underinvestigated. STEADFAST advances the understanding of the feasibility of worldwide dietary and energy demand changes necessary for achieving the climate targets set by the Paris Agreement.

CIVICA Research
