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The Bible in Practice (11th-13th c.): Codicological and Diplomatic Case Studies

Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 5:40 pm – 8:00 pm

On Wednesday March 15, the Department of Medieval Studies will host Amélie De Las Heras from the Madrid Institute of Advanced Study to talk us through codicological and diplomatic case studies.

This presentation will deal with the interaction between the Bible and social practices as they were put down in writing, in the Iberian Peninsula of the 11th–13th centuries. I will first focus on both the overall objectives and the methodology, based on the combination of quantitative and qualitative surveys. I will then present some results: on one hand, from the inventory of biblical quotations in the Leonese charters —meaning: the convocation of the Holy Scripture in pragmatic literacy—and on the other hand, from some liturgical manuscripts which also gather copies of charters and administrative letters —meaning: the preservation (?) of pragmatic literacy in the Holy Scripture and assimilated texts.

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