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Faultlines of the Care Crisis - Annual Doctoral Conference Keynote by Emma Dowling

Faultlines of the Care Crisis - Annual Doctoral Conference Keynote by Emma Dowling
Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Join the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations at the Annual Doctoral Conference's keynote by Ass.-Prof. Emma Dowling (University of Vienna).

The coronavirus pandemic made an existing crisis of care far more visible and acute. The events of the pandemic have also been a stark reminder of just how important care is. Yet, despite its importance, on the surface care appears to have very little value and in the wake of the pandemic there have been many calls for change. So far, however, most efforts bring about change have been limited. The question remains: why is it so difficult to get to grips with the care crisis?  In this keynote address, Emma Dowling will analyse the dynamics of the care crisis and closely examines the political economy of its symptoms, causes and trajectories. Linking this analysis to other urgent crises of the present, such as the ecological crisis, she will assess emerging attempts to address these crises and explore what it would take to create the conditions for change.