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Bursting the "weaponized ignorance" bubble: radical teaching and research in the times of crisis

Wednesday, April 5, 2023, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Join the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations at the Annual Doctoral Conference's keynote by Associate Professor Mohira Suyarkulova (AUCA).

The region of Central Asia is routinely described as ‘obscure, oriental and fractious’ (Heathershaw and Megoran 2011: 590) undergoing ‘complex crises of decolonisation’, ‘colour revolutions’, civil wars, border conflicts, mass migrations, and other political perturbations. Based on her personal experience as a queer feminist and leftist researcher, teacher, and activist living and working in/on Central Asia, Dr. Suyarkulova will share her reflections on what she calls the ‘weaponised ignorance complex’, how it is implicated in the structures of oppression that produce a state of permanent crisis we have been living in all our lives, and consider the ways out of this conundrum.