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(Un)Learned Resilience: What Impact COVID Pandemic had on Post-Yugoslav and Post-Soviet Female Immigrants in Austria and Hungary?

(Un)Learned Resilience: What Impact COVID Pandemic had on Post-Yugoslav and Post-Soviet Female Immigrants in Austria and Hungary?
Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Join the Migration Research group in their upcoming online lecture.

ABSTRACT / Since the time named by Karl Polanyi ‘the great transformation’ and up to pre-COVID-19 era, the market has played the central role in organization of the society. Such system has affected women more profoundly: to be officially paid, they had to compromise professional and family life. The lecture will shed the light on the impact that COVID-19 pandemic lockdown had on migrant women in Austria and Hungary. The lecture draws on the book chapter based on rich empirical data featuring post-Yugoslav and post-Soviet female immigrants’ experiences of COVID-19 pandemic in Austria and Hungary. The analysis reveals the ways in which experiences with previous global crises that represented radical changes influenced their resilience throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

BIO / Sanja Tepavcevic, PhD is Adjunct Professor in International Studies Master Program at the University of Pannonia, and Associate Researcher of the Institute of Advanced Studies Koszeg, Hungary. She held research and teaching posts in Croatian Institute of European and Global Studies, Eotvos Lorand University, and Central European University in Hungary. She is the author of numerous peer-reviewed articles, policy reports, and of the upcoming monograph addressing post-Soviet immigrant entrepreneurship across the European Union market economies.



Meeting ID: 937 8731 1771
Passcode: 759085