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The Value of Authenticity in an Age of AI

Joe Geldart
Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

ABSTRACT / In the world of marketing, the value of authentic human connections is greater than ever before. With the rise of generative AI, and the coming ad-pocalypse, it is vital that we can characterize, demonstrate, and even quantify authenticity. In this session, we will discuss the meaning and role of authenticity in establishing a creator’s brand, and the dark side of that: the increasingly tribal nature of modern social media. The talk will include examples from the current state of the art in social media marketing, modern supply chains, and 17th century seafaring. We will round off with some open billion dollar problems and questions from the audience.

BIO / Joe Geldart is the Chief Innovation Officer of the Creators' Entertainment Group, a leading influencer marketing agency with offices in New York, London, and Los Angeles. He has over twenty years of experience working in product and innovation in both industry and academia. Joe has worked with companies ranging from small textile factories in India through to multi-national banks, with a special interest in applied AI, the economics of collaboration, and soft systems thinking. In his current role, he is focused on bringing practical innovations into an industry on the brink of disruption.