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Working with a vulnerable protagonist: The making of KIM

Erika Kapronczai
Saturday, April 22, 2023, 4:00 pm – 6:15 pm

Erika Kapronczai graduated from the University of Pécs with a degree in aesthetics, then from the University of Theatre and Film Arts with a degree in film directing. She is co-founder and creative producer of the international audiovisual dream collection DREAMPIRE. In addition to directing short feature films (Well under the SunThreesome), she also produces documentaries and portraits (DreampireSajdikKimF - The Man with the Antenna). She is currently working on her first feature film and is supporting first feature projects as a creative producer, and teaches dramaturgy in the Budapest Metropolitan University.

The masterclass focuses on the process of working with the private archive of her film’s protagonist, Kim Corbisier, a talented emerging artist and an enigmatic personality, whose struggle with family traumas and addiction cut her life short at 27, leaving behind a powerful artworks and intimate archival footage. She will also share the considerations behind the focus of the film, the structure, and further moral and legal issues emerged during the film making process, as well as the challenges and dilemmas of the role and responsibility of being a filmmaker and a human being at the same time. 

The presentation will be held after the film screening at Blickle Kino. Tickets for the screening are available here: