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Reimagining Authentic Assessments as a collaborative co-created practice

courtesy of the speaker
Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Abstract: Assessment in Higher Education needs to serve different purposes. A growing dissatisfaction in an over dependence upon traditional methods that don’t meet the needs of an increasing diverse student population has resulted in many Universities exploring alternative more effective ways to evidence and support the development of skills of potential benefit to both students and society. Authentic assessments or methods that engage students with kinds of tasks that resemble those that take place in the workplace are viewed as an attractive alternative.

This presentation will draw upon several different University initiatives aiming to encourage and support University staff to make a shift from traditional exam based methods to those that demonstrate the meaningful application of essential subject disciplinary knowledge rather than knowledge acquisition in isolation. A Framework was designed and used to guide staff along a continuum of Authenticity. Feedback from these initial studies suggests that realism within assessment methods increases the perception of task usefulness, relevance and engagement by students. However, concepts of realism and authenticity often varied between individuals involved in the programme design process. The Re-imagination of Authentic Assessments as part of a collaborative holistic approach to programme design as a means to cocreate a shared understanding of the purpose of individual assessment tasks is proposed. 

The Keynote Lecture is part of the program of the First Annual Elkana Symposium on Reimagining Teaching and Learning.

You can also join the event online by filling out this short form (you will receive a Zoom link automatically on your email address). 

Bio: Jen Harvey is currently the TU Dublin Assistant Head of Academic Affairs; Learning, Teaching and Assessment. She has responsibility for leading innovation in teaching, learning and assessment across the University including pedagogical strategies, assessments and blended learning. She coordinates the MSc Education Assessment and Feedback Module, has established a University Authentic Assessment Community of Practice and was recently awarded QQI funding to develop programme-based approach to building authenticity into Assessment and Feedback processes through consultation with Professional Bodies.