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TRANSforming Research: Feminist, Experimental, and Arts-Based Practices

Poster of the Conference "Transforming Research"
Monday, June 19, 2023, 10:00 am – Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 8:00 pm

The Department of Gender Studies in cooperation with the Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network (EHCN) and the Romani Studies Program at Central European University invite you to join us for our first Vienna-based conference.

The conference brings together scholars, artists, and activists who are engaged in TRANSforming research. Through lectures, performances, discussions, praxis-based workshops, musicality, and posters, the conference encourages participants to re-imagine our institutional space differently and proposes ways of queering formal research practices.

The focus of the conference is to set conditions for the encounter of different strands of feminist, experimental, and arts-based research practices so that we can collectively re-imagine the spaces of academic conferences and the limits of what feminist research can encompass.

The conference is organized around the idea of three intersecting and overlapping pathways – TRANSitioning, TRANSing, and TRANSforming – and how these work in concert to shape new and experimental practices across academic traditions and disciplines. We aim to center new feminist theoretical approaches and strands, including transfeminism and research related to transness and trans bodies.

The conference is free of cost and we welcome any and all attendees either in-person or online. For in-person attendance, we kindly ask you to register in advance (by June 18, 23:59, Central European Time) here. A link is available to access the sessions online here.

Poster Session and Open Mic Submission Guidelines

We invite submissions from students of any level and institutional affiliation for the poster session. The purpose of the poster session is to encourage you to think of your thesis research within the context of TRANSitioning, TRANSing, and TRANSforming academic practices. Posters can take on any form and should take up key themes, topics and theories from your thesis research and transform these into a form of visual representation, interpretation, and critique. Posters can take the form of textual based and printed format, performance, installation, and any other practice that spaces of exchange between academic and non-academic publics. The poster and performance installations will be exhibited all day so that participants can circulate freely. Each participant will be invited to provide a 5-minute presentation of the key ideas of their research and reflect on how they are related to the three conference pathways. Please submit a short abstract of up to 250 words with your name and institutional affiliation by June 10, 2023.

For the open mic session which will conclude the first day of the conference, we encourage you to share – in the format of your choosing but not for more than 10 minutes per intervention – how you understand the three pathways in relation to embodied practices. Formats might include poetry, free verse, stand up comedy, bodily performances, soundscapes, shared ideas, or posed questions. Please submit a short statement of interest with your name and institutional affiliation by June 10, 2023.

Please submit your poster session and open mic submissions to Nadia Jones-Gailani, or Kristina Orszaghova,  

See the complete call and the conference schedule below.