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Roma Graduate Preparation Program Final Paper Presentations AY2022/23

CEU Romani Studies Program
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

International Interdisciplinary Romani Studies Postgraduate Specialization Program
Final Paper Presentations

Image removed.

Budapest, Nádor utca 9, Hanak Room (Monument Building 201)
Wednesday, June 21, 2023



9.00-9.10: Welcome remarks and Introduction by Angéla Kóczé, Assistant Professor of Romani Studies, Academic Director of RGPP and Chair of Romani Studies Program, CEU

9.10-9.20: Welcome remarks by Anna Daróczi, RGPP Alumna

9.30-11.00 Panel 1

Chair: Angéla Kóczé

Discussants: Simona Toroțcoi and Márton Rövid

Fatoş Kaytan: Congenital Criminals: The Criminalization of Roma in the Context of Racial Profiling in Turkey

9.50.-10.00 Questions & Answers


Candela Herreros Andradez: Forced Sterilization Towards Vulnerable Collectives and Minorities: An Evaluation of Compensation Policies

10.20.-10.30 Questions & Answers      


Maria Duminica: The Domino Effect: Exploring the Causes and Ramifications of Banking Crises and Bank Runs

10.50-11.00 Questions & Answers        

11.00-11:15 Coffee break (Monument Building, Gellner Lobby, 1st floor


11.15-12.45 Panel 2

Chair: Angéla Kóczé

Discussants:  Simona Toroțcoi and Márton Rövid

Zühal Gezicier: Dispossession of the Body in the Case of Dom Women During the Process of Transition from Craft Nomadism to Settled Life

11.35-11.45 Questions & Answers

Maria Aguilera Martín: The Visibility of Romani Lesbian Women

12.05-12.15 Questions & Answers

Ferenc Józsa: Asexuality Between the Cis Heteronormative Society and the LGBTQ Community in Hungary

12.35-12.45 Questions & Answers

12:45-13.30 Lunch break (Monument Building, Gellner Lobby, 1st floor)


13.30-15.00 Panel 3

Chair: Angéla Kóczé

Discussants: Simona Toroțcoi and Márton Rövid

Donald Myrteli: Recovering from the Colonial Epistemological Order: Roma in Eastern Europe

13.50-14.00 Questions & Answers

Dominika Badžová: Roma Dissidents in Socialist Czechoslovakia: Struggling with Human Rights through Print Culture

14.20-14.30: Questions & Answers

Siljana Hyseni: Roma Protection Policies in Times of Crisis: The Cases of the Kosovo-Serbian Conflict (1999) and the COVID-19 Pandemic (2019-2023)

14.50-15.00: Questions & Answers

15:00-15.15: Coffee break (Monument Building, Gellner Lobby, 1st floor)

15.15-16.15 Panel 4

Chair: Angéla Kóczé

Discussants:  Simona Toroțcoi and Márton Rövid

Slobodan Stanković: Substandard Romani Settlements: Urban Marginality and Necropolitics in Belgrade’s Zones of Social Abandonment

15.35-15.45 Questions & Answers

Klaudjo Veizi: Working Conditions, Experiences, and Challenges of Roma Waste Pickers in Tirana, Albania: Qualitative Exploratory Research

16.05-16.15 Questions & Answers

16.15-16.45: Grading by Committee Members

16:45-17:00 Closing remarks by Angéla Kóczé, Assistant Professor of Romani Studies, Academic Director of RGPP, and Chair of Romani Studies Program, CEU


Join us on on-line at Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 999 7672 0411
Passcode: 770422


External (not from CEU) guests can register in advance by writing to Esther Holbrook at