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Learning From COVID for Climate Change: Implications for Democracy

Wednesday, August 2, 2023, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Professor Antypas examines and analyzes the literature on the impacts on democracy of policy responses to the COVID pandemic. It then more briefly reviews the literature on the climate change and democracy nexus and then examines how climate change and the pandemic are similar and different structurally as policy problems. Finally, it lays out possible lessons that can be learned from pandemic related policy that could help mitigate negative impacts on democracy from climate change policies.

It is an online event, please click here to join the Zoom-meeting.


Alexios Antypas is an associate professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at Central European University, and a CEU Research Affiliate at the CEU Democracy Institute. His broad areas of expertise are in environmental policy and global environmental governance. He has served as a consultant to the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Development Programme, the World Health Organization, the European Committee of the Regions and various agencies of the United States government. His specific interests include the international relations of climate change, human rights and the environment, and the relationship between environmental governance and democracy. He is currently developing a project that examines the impacts on democracy of COVID-19 pandemic related policies and the implications for climate change policy.