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ChatGPT and Generative AI in the Classroom: What’s New and How do We Adapt?

A woman chatting with a chatbot on a laptop.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm

The CEU Yehuda Elkana Center for Teaching, Learning, and Higher Education Research and the Center for Academic Writing (CAW) invite CEU academic staff and doctoral students to a workshop on ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom. 

In this 75-minute workshop, we'll discuss:  

  • Recent developments with generative AI and CEU’s institutional response 
  • Considerations for syllabi, writing assignments, and assessment design with the developing AI landscape in mind  
  • Examples of assignments and assessments that have been modified to encourage student engagement, critical thinking, and AI literacy  

Participants can attend on the Vienna Campus in Room C-322 or register to attend online via Zoom.  

Elkana Center and CAW colleagues are also happy to meet with academic staff and doctoral students to discuss specific assignments or assessments. Email to schedule an individual consultation.